luni, 20 iunie 2011

Increase Your Small Dog Training Knowledge

Dogs are one of the most intelligent creatures and can learn new things fast, especially if they are trained properly. Today we are going to talk about small dog training. It is quite different than training large breed dogs. Because small dog breeds don't need to be trained for hunting or for guarding your house from strangers. 
Their primary role is to serve as companion to you, as a friend. Plus such dogs are usually kept inside the house for most of the time, so small dog training does have some major differences. So, how to train a small dog? Read on, and learn.
Small dog training is especially effective when a dog is still a puppy. Let's say you just got one puppy. Bring him home and let him roam around freely. During first few weeks puppy will get accustomed with environment. It's important to leave him at home as much as possible, taking him outside only for doing "toilet training". That way the dog will get used to live in a house, and will not be tempted to run outside for no reason.
If your dog will run outside each time when he needs to pee, you will need to reward him for doing this, with something positive. If he doesn't live your house for doing it, you will need to show him the right way. This area isn't any different for small dog training.
Another important thing in small dog training is teething. In order to prevent this bad habit you will need to introduce your dog to a dog "bone toy". If the dog is still a puppy it's very likely that he will pay no attention at your furniture or shoes later, when he grows older. Just make sure you will get the new toys, when old ones are close to being broken.
What's actually fairly overlooked, that small dogs can be still dangerous. It's very important to include stopping commands like "down" or "off" in your small dog training. So if your dog tries to attack somebody (could be anyone new at your house), interrupt him immediately and don't forget to use those stopping commands. Sooner or later your dog will recognize those commands and obey.
Your small dog training repertoire should include most basic commands already when your dog is still a puppy. Like "sit", "drop" and "come". These will be beneficial on early stage because puppies like to pick everything lying on the floor in your house. 
Just repeat the command and motion (which goes along with command) over and over, until your dog gets it. Don't jump from one command to another without completely learning it first, this will ensure that your puppy will understand the whole process and action that he needs to take in order to get a treat (always treat your dog for listening to you).
So that would be tiny part of small dog training. This topic does require a lot of knowledge, so it's highly recommended to obtain some quality material on training your puppies.
What if you just can't train your little dog?
I know how hard it can be trying to teach a dog, if you don't really know what you are doing. But if you want to really make your small dog behave well in under any circumstances, you'll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

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